#3, The role of women in a patriarchic society
Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go as far as actual gender equality is concerned. The statistics and figures do not lie
Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go as far as actual gender equality is concerned. The statistics and figures do not lie
Still, I never wanted to be a boy. In France, if a girl was athletic, adventurous…. she was called garçon manqué ( missed boy)!
Time and time again, I meet mothers in heterosexual couples who affirm that the bulk of family responsibility falls on them. This includes not only the more obvious tasks of cooking, cleaning, taking children from place to place but the management side of family life
When a child yells “I’m bored”, they might as well be hungry, curious about their parents’ doings or seeking attention. Let the children be bored! You cannot imagine how valuable and necessary boredom is. Offer your child free time to do nothing and applaud their boredom.
I do not enjoy living a life full of remorse and stress. I have been working hard to be intentional that I cannot allow a slip back to ruin this hard work and effort, which bring about the results I wish to see from my actions. Impetuous investments of my money do not express me anymore.
Despite most of us dreading the term meeting every time we hear it, it is surprising how meetings can actually be pleasant-yes, you heard well- and time-worthy. It is also surprising how easily one can plan worthwhile meetings bearing in mind the above principles and staying organised. Cheers to beautiful meetings.
Toxic people are not easily or quickly recognised. They trap you in their poisonous spiderweb and make it quite difficult for you to break free; they enslave you in their micro-world, where you think you belong but, deep inside, you feel that you should not be a part of.
A today-list, on the other hand, satisfies all the elements of a SMART goal: it is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely. And provides immediate results of success and fulfilment.
Past trauma is one reason for commitment-phobia. Childhood trauma or traumatic experiences from past romantic relationships. A parents’ unpleasant separation during one’s childhood or, later, a toxic/abusive/infidel relationship can cause phobia for future commitment.
Decluttering sentimental items should not be a painful process. If you do not feel ready to let go, then, by all means, do not do it. Nevertheless, if you feel the slightest need for more space, literally and figuratively, you should dare it. But start small.