New year, better me
Potential, skills, passions, and determination for bettering are encapsulated in every single one of us. I don’t need a new me. I wager all my money on a better me.
Potential, skills, passions, and determination for bettering are encapsulated in every single one of us. I don’t need a new me. I wager all my money on a better me.
When a child yells “I’m bored”, they might as well be hungry, curious about their parents’ doings or seeking attention. Let the children be bored! You cannot imagine how valuable and necessary boredom is. Offer your child free time to do nothing and applaud their boredom.
Is the notion of ‘passion’ overestimated or underestimated? In the last year and a half, the idea of passion has concerned me more and more. Was it the lockdown that enabled this pondering, or had […]