Let go

woman on the beach

Let go of the excess stuff

Let go of toxic people

Let go of unhealthy habits

Let go of self-pitying

Let go of guilts

Let go of unnecessary stress

Let go of gratuitous thoughts

Let go of unrealistic expectations

Let go of empty desires

Let go of pernicious behaviours

Let go of expired relationships

Let go of judgement

Let go of procrastination

Let go of trying to change the others

Let go of the “just in case” items

Let go of unreasonable plans

Let go of bad sleeping habits

Let go of mom-guilt

Let go of rudeness

Let go of unpleasant relatives

Let go of petty thoughts

Let go of unsolicited advice

Let go of pleasing everybody

Let go of knick-knacks

Let go of over-dependence

Let go of unwanted inherited possessions

Let go of prejudice

Let go of perfectionism

Let go of multitasking

Let go of “yes” to everything

Let go of harmful partners

Let go of toxic working environments 

To quote Miranda Cawley Heller in her book Paper Palace, “ Does letting go mean losing everything you have, or does it mean gaining everything you never had?”.

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