Drops of happiness

Drops of happiness

Happiness is like a box of milk. It does not last long; it expires, and you must get yourself a new box. Happiness is a short-term state of mind, for it occurs for a limited period before it fades out. Gratification, fulfilment, confidence, serendipity and contentment are long-term states of mind that can significantly contribute to our quality of life. 

I do not trust people who are always happy, claiming that everything rolls unencumbered in their life, for this life does not exist. Maybe these people live in denial and believe their lives will be happy just by maintaining a false positive attitude and smile. Or just by repeating that they are “happy”. These people push their problems and worries under the carpet instead of actively trying to resolve them step by step. No-one will clear up our mess, only us. 

Life is chaotic, mainly unpleasant, stressful, and full of expectations, social requirements, obligations, and pretentiousness. “Live every day like it is your last day” is probably a piece of irresponsible advice and a foolish thing to do. It puts so much pressure on us. 

On the other hand, our daily life consists of small, trivial things that add up to our happiness and can give us a boost to keep going. These moments or things are different for each and hold personal meaning.

These are the little things that make me happy and smile during my day:

  • Winston, my dog, waking me up with kisses.
  • Coffee. Always and forever.
  • Slowing down
  • Food. More specifically, a good meal.
  • Working on my blog.
  • When Winston comes to check on me and then chills on my feet.
  • Running
  • An evening shower or bath. Always a rewarding experience.
  • A tidy room
  • Taking Winston out for a walk or playing in the flat.
  • Painting my fingernails. 
  • Finding time to read my book.
  • Discovering a new coffee shop, restaurant or bar.

I used to underestimate the influence these small daily actions have in my life, but growing up, I got to appreciate their effect on me more. These drops of happiness keep me focused while supporting my personal growth.

4 thoughts on “Drops of happiness”

  1. Hi there Robert,

    Thank you for leaving a comment on this essay. I love how you listed your daily drops of happiness. One should not underestimate the importance of these everyday rituals/actions in our life and their contribution to our happiness and wellbeing.

  2. Another excellent essay! Thank you! Things that make me happy: painting, a good run, a nice meal with lovely friends, spending time with my sister and my nephew!

  3. Daily moments of happiness: treating myself to a (slow) cup of coffee, a (lunch) walk, seeing other people smile, a chat with a friend, spinning, food. Always food.

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